Difference Between Lawful Permanent Residence Status & U.S. Citizenship

American flag, social security card, permanent residence cardThere are many people who are still uncertain about the difference between Legal Permanent Residency and U.S. Citizenship and the benefits that come along with each.  These two major immigration statuses have long-term rewards to live and work in the United States of America and even though they are both permanent, one has limited opportunities.  Apply for a U.S. Green card if you are planning on migrating to the United States of America from your home country.  Part of the requirement when submitting an application for a U.S. Green card is that you may need for an immediate family relative, spouse or an employer to petition on your behalf and sponsor you.  While there are various ways in which you can obtain lawful permanent resident status, it is in your favor to contact an immigration lawyer to advise you as per the instructions of a U.S. Green Card application.

In many instances, green card holders must wait a few years before proceeding with filing an application for Naturalization.  U.S. citizenship can be acquired through naturalized parents, birth, or even joining the U.S. military and even living in the U.S with your U.S. citizen parents.  Seek legal counsel for U.S. citizenship.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a U.S. Green Card

The moment you receive your LPR status you are granted many benefits.  Take note that with those benefits come many advantages and disadvantages.  You have the right to live and work permanently; travel in and out of country and even petition for close family relatives to get their U.S. green cards.  With a U.S. green card in hand you are not able to travel as you please, your travel time is limited and even though the status is permanent you are unable leave the country and stay overseas long-term.  Your absence from the U.S. will bring into question your purpose of travelling for extended periods and you may end up losing residency rights if you do not update USCIS of the changes you make or the changes circumstances may bring about in life.  To learn more about travelling with a U.S. green card seek legal advice.

Legal permanent resident status does not guarantee the same benefits as that of U.S. citizenship.  Several programs in different states in the U.S. may have varying requirements where a resident must wait 5 years and must have worked a certain amount of hours to be able to apply for U.S. citizenship.  All green card recipients cannot always receive the same help as U.S. citizens.

Benefits of U.S. Citizenship

U.S. citizenship is the most coveted immigration status by hundreds of thousands of foreigners.  Once you become a citizen, you have every right to live in the U.S. as long as you genuinely provided every supporting document and required information for Naturalization.  While green card beneficiaries might be subject to the grounds of deportability, U.S. citizens are not.  Citizenship can only be revoked by an immigration officer if there are suspicions that fraud was committed or that information was concealed during the application process.

All U.S. citizens can petition for a lengthy list of alien relatives to come to the U.S.  If you want to learn more about both Legal Permanent Residency and U.S. citizenship ask for the advice of an immigration attorney.

Discuss with an Immigration Lawyer

Both immigration statuses may bring in doubt and demand that some questions are answered.  Before applying for any of these two U.S. government benefits, seek legal help and ask the right questions.  Do not hesitate to contact The Gambacorta Law Office at 602-883-2922 for an appointment at any of our office locations in Chicago, Arizona and Texas.

Additional Reading
