Getting U.S. Citizenship Application Denied for Lies and False Statements

Lies and false statements (other than honest mistakes) are not taken lightly by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the authority responsible for reviewing applications for U.S. citizenship through naturalization.

Of course no one wants to lie. Yet some naturalization applicants feel compelled to do so, concerned that if they do not keep the truth concealed, their U.S. citizenship application will be denied. Lying on your citizenship application can seriously hurt your ability to show good moral character which is a basic citizenship requirement.

Certain Things Naturalization Applicants Lie About

There are several personal matters that applicants desire USCIS did not have to know about. For instance, a criminal arrest, lengthy absences from the U.S. in the years following up the citizenship application, or a year in which they should have filed U.S. income tax returns or paid child support but did not have anything to do with the basic citizenship requirements.

Whatever the individual may have done, might seem like no big deal to them. Especially, if the applicant couldn’t afford child support and how were they supposed to pay or they meant to return to the U.S. earlier but got stuck in their home country because of a sick family member. Lying about what happened might seem like no big deal to the applicant.

It does not matter what the lie is about, even a small lie, or an apparent lie, based on the applicant’s inconsistent statements is seen as enough to issue a denial.

Lying on an N400 Naturalization Application Amounts to Committing Perjury

When you complete your USCIS N400 application for naturalization you will observe that above your signature, you have to certify, “under penalty of perjury” that all the information you have entered there is “complete, true and correct.”

Making such a declaration on your application is a serious promise and if you lie under oath it is considered a crime in and of itself. The sad irony is that sometimes the issue that a person lied about would not, by itself, have barred them from naturalization. One can make matters far worse by lying or withholding information.

Repercussions for Providing a False Testimony During a Naturalization Interview

Anyone who knowingly and intentionally provides false information (orally or in writing) during the naturalization interview and testing process, or if USCIS discovers that you falsely testified to gain immigration benefits in the past, you can anticipate getting denied for your U.S. citizenship application.

Note that if after you obtained U.S. citizenship USCIS discovers that you lied your citizenship status can be revoked. The naturalization interview is done under oath which means that from the beginning, you raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth.

U.S. immigration law specifically states, “That no person shall be regarded as, or found to be, a person of good moral character is required to be established [has] given false testimony for obtaining any immigration benefits.

As you may know, when obtaining U.S. citizenship via the process of naturalization it requires demonstrating good moral character.

Depending on what an applicant lied about and the implications for their immigration status, there could also be further consequences including being placed in removal proceedings and ultimately deported from the U.S.

For instance, if a man were to lie during the naturalization interview and say that he was still married to the woman who helped him obtain a U.S. green card and the fact that he was divorced was not only discovered but led to a finding that the entire marriage had been fraudulent; getting deported would probably be the consequence.

Do You Need Legal Assistance When Applying for U.S. Citizenship

If one of your family members or even you is concerned about what you can safely share with USCIS during your naturalization interview, or you have received a naturalization denial from USCIS due to providing false testimony it is in your best interest to reach out to an immigration attorney; the sooner the better. An immigration lawyer can help you examine your situation and create a plan that would preserve your right to remain in the U.S. Call Gambacorta Law Office today at 847 443 9303 to schedule an appointment.